Service electricians


We are service electricians providing services to commercial and industrial businesses. Not to mention, throughout Manitoba and northern communities. Specializing in non-contact thermal imaging. Most compelling evidence is that we are Manitoba’s only industrial electrical contractors using thermal imaging. Most important, proving excellence and value on and off the job. Without a doubt, to meet the highest trust of our clients.
Service electricians

Maintenance Shift Replacement

Our service electricians is ready to takeover. To the end that you don’t have to stop production.

Commercial electrician

24 hour service

Our Commercial electricians and industrial electricians take calls around the clock. With this purpose in mind, we can be there to restore power without delay. Such as, to your remote community or install new equipment for the next morning.

Industrial electrician

HAACP certified

To put it differently, we cut the time and task from our clients in needed training. That is to say, our service electricians and industrial electrical contractors are aware of proper facility procedures.

Industrial electrical contractors

Thermal Imaging

Our service electricians can detect potential electrical fires and hazards. Together with state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology

Our Services

We are prepared to manage all your industrial and commercial electrical requests. Especially, we work with top-quality supplies and equipment. For the pupose to ensure the best installation. In brief, to provide the best service, we prioritiz our clients’ production. In effect by maintaining cleanliness and efficiency.

Service electricians
Service electricians

Who We Work With

Our staff of registered Red Seal apprentice and journeyman electricians are ready to tackle any project. With a niche in being trained in thermal imaging, we can inspect your building and see problems the human eye can’t see.

  • Food manufacturing
  • Packaging plants
  • Commercial industries
  • Farming industry
  • Breweries
  • Northern communities
  • Industrial companies
  • Agricultural industry
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